Posts Tagged ‘jerk magazine’

Congrats to Dylan Lustig and Taylor Carr for running two great campaigns. Dylan Lusig won the election, and it was hard not to know that he was running for the presidency of Student Association. While reaching for a napkin at Ernie Davis last month, I saw Lustig’s face on the side of the napkin dispenser and my newsfeed on Facebook has been flooded with reminders to vote for him.

His campaign did bring a lot of attention to Student Association, but after attending a SA meeting last week, I was left disappointed by our school’s student governing body. Last Monday, the association debated for nearly 45 minutes about allowing a student cultural society to hold an event entirely in Mandarin. SA has even denied JERK its funding because of a human error concerning scheduling.

Neal Casey, the current Student association president seems to be in love with his gavel, having banged it several times when he was not happy about the direction the debate was going. At one point I turned to a person sitting next to me and said, “This is intense, man.”

This is only one meeting that I attended and cannot say that this is how all the group’s meetings take place, but it was disappointing to see the high school style atmosphere. In my interview with Dylan Lustig last month he said there was not much interaction between the group and the student body and one can see why. I hope Lustig accomplishes all of his goals and brings the changes he wants to SA, but I will not call him “Mr. President.”

-Brysan Brown

I hate when this happens.

[via FailBlog]

According to The Huffington Post, a 19-year-old Michigan State University student faces possible charges after being caught by police with 79 pairs of stolen underwear, each and every one of them being thongs.

One can’t help but wonder the reasons behind this fetish—a lack of exposure to thongs on the regular, perhaps? Said student told the police that it was simply a prank and does not have any kind of sex addiction.

Maybe this poor schmuck doesn’t have a sex addiction, but creeping in laundry rooms and stealing up to 15 pairs of panties at a time is definitely twisted.

By the way dude, you can have all my thongs, I’m in the market for some new underwear anyway.

~Krystie Yandoli, Blog Editor

“Be careful when you slut out.” -Anonymous

Executive Web Editor extraordinaire for Jerk Magazine, Kate Holloway, inquired my thoughts via her Facebook status after the blog-o-sphere exploded concerning the newest accusations concerning Sarah Palin and feminism.

In my book, Sarah Palin does not support feminist ideals, therefore it is difficult for me to associate her with the progressive, never-ending fight for equal rights between genders. Scratch that—it’s nearly impossible for me to consider her a feminist.

Strong women exemplify components of feminism no matter what—Palin’s leadership in her otherwise lacking party is admirable, especially considering current gender roles in politics. Gender aside, I would never elect an individual to greater office who chose to step down from their position as Governor in order to write books, appear on Fox news as a contributing analyst, and signs deals with TLC for reality shows. Woman or man—that can’t be my next President. (more…)

Dear Bristol Palin,

Celebrating my 20th birthday meant a few things: one more year until I’m legal, Syracuse beat Villanova in a historical NCAA basketball match-up, and I dodged the possibility of falling victim to teenage pregnancy.

There has been a surge of teenage pregnancy in popular culture throughout the past few years, like Ellen Page’s famous breakout role in Juno, MTV’s reality show “16 and Pregnant,” and ABC Family’s hit series “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.” While pop culture has a strong hold on this subject matter, I’ve been aware of your baby situation due to all of your media appearances.

Of all the appearances and publicity stints, this new Candies commercial really takes the cake. (more…)

Juliet, my 5-year-old cousin, beating me in the annual Easter egg hunt.

Juliet, my 5-year-old cousin, beating me in the annual Easter egg hunt.

Easter isn’t exactly my most favorite of holidays to begin with, needless to say I turn into a super drama queen when something goes slightly askew.

Birthdays are awesome because they come with presents and cake, Christmas means time spent baking cookies and listening to James Stewart’s unmistakeable accent as George Bailey, but Easter isn’t filled with the same initial excitement. Sure, chocolate bunnies and Peeps are something to look forward to, but I don’t really see what all the fuss is about.

I clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this past Sunday morning, because while running on 4.5 hours of sleep I proceeded to have one of the worst Easters ever. Here are 6 reasons why my 2010 Easter didn’t rock: (more…)

If we haven’t already convinced you to come to our launch party on Saturday night, maybe Aaron Freeder’s newest Jerk video will!

While you’re at it, check out Jerk’s new YouTube channel, courtesy of Kelsie Testa.

Jerk Magazine is hosting its spring Launch Party at Funk ‘n Waffles this Saturday, March 27th at 7:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Come join us for some music, waffles, and good old jerkin’ fun! Admission is only $5.

Gage isn't featured in this photo, but it's a classic and I love it.

Gage isn't featured in this photo, but it's a classic and I love it.

In honor of women’s history month last March I wrote a couple of blog posts for Jerk and about Matilda Joslyn Gage, an unknown suffragist who greatly contributed to securing women’s right to vote but ended up getting screwed over by her “friends” and left out of history books.

I still haven’t forgotten about this kick-ass lady, and in order to honor her this year I wrote Ms. Gage a letter explaining why I think she rocks.

Dear Matilda,

I have now spent over one year of my life studying you and being aware of your awesome existence. I had the opportunity to be taught all about your life’s work from Sally Roesch Wagner, another amazing woman who has dedicated her life to restoring your name in history. (more…)