Posts Tagged ‘Easter Sunday’

Juliet, my 5-year-old cousin, beating me in the annual Easter egg hunt.

Juliet, my 5-year-old cousin, beating me in the annual Easter egg hunt.

Easter isn’t exactly my most favorite of holidays to begin with, needless to say I turn into a super drama queen when something goes slightly askew.

Birthdays are awesome because they come with presents and cake, Christmas means time spent baking cookies and listening to James Stewart’s unmistakeable accent as George Bailey, but Easter isn’t filled with the same initial excitement. Sure, chocolate bunnies and Peeps are something to look forward to, but I don’t really see what all the fuss is about.

I clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this past Sunday morning, because while running on 4.5 hours of sleep I proceeded to have one of the worst Easters ever. Here are 6 reasons why my 2010 Easter didn’t rock: (more…)