Posts Tagged ‘Centre Syracuse’

As the great Cady Heron once said, “In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” Well, DreamGirl costume manufacturers decided to take that statement, put it in a blender with an eating disorder and give it a name. Introducing, AnnaRexia: the Halloween costume designed to poke fun at an actual disease that takes the lives of women and men every year.
While one might argue “Well, so does the Grim Reaper,” let me start off by saying, you’re actually an idiot and should probably stop snorting whatever it is you snort on the weekends. This costume was shown to me a week ago, and I couldn’t believe that anyone would even have the balls to create this, let alone wear it. There is nothing sexy about a 12-year-old girl in a hospital bed with a feeding tube down her throat.
